Legal Services

Legal Services

Our firm has extensive experience in providing a wide range of legal services in family and inheritance law on complex issues (legal, personal, property, tax, international, etc.).

Our firm provides counsel, guidance, and representation in various tribunals in Israel (including civil courts, rabbinical courts, and arbitrations) as well as legal counsel and guidance for clients conducting proceedings abroad.

Litigation between family members is characterized, naturally, by proceedings ripe with charged emotions. In many cases, this has an adverse impact on all family members involved (specifically children) and various harmful long-term consequences.

We provide our clients with personal advice and comprehensive counsel, starting from the early stages of the conflict (prior to entering into legal proceedings), while striving to settle disputes between family members by agreement and to prevent unnecessary litigation. If understandings cannot be reached, litigation is carried out in accordance with a strategic plan which is personally tailored to the client and to the protection of his or her rights, while maintaining rational, fair, sensitive and respectful conduct.

The correct structuring of family wealth can guarantee amicable family ties.

Our firm has many years of experience in advising, guiding, and providing legal services with respect to structuring family wealth – including organizing and protecting wealth, and planning its transfer to the next generation.

We offer our clients a broad range of legal tools to structure family wealth, including: prenuptial agreements, gift agreements, intra-family agreements (including through articles of association or partnership agreements), trusts, wills, mutual wills, agreements between heirs, estate distribution agreements, durable powers of attorney, and more.

We select the relevant combination of tools through professional planning which is personally tailored to each family’s needs (both legal and emotional). We are sensitive to the emotional complexity sometimes involved in structuring family wealth, and we are careful to act with sensitivity, taking into account the desires and feelings of the family members involved.

Our firm has a wealth of expertise in resolving complex family disputes through mediation.

Mediation proceedings are conducted from the viewpoint that an agreed solution is the best solution for all family members. Mediation meetings are held in an atmosphere of tolerance which takes into account the sensitivities and difficulties which characterize family disputes.

Our vast experience helps us to professionally and sensitively lead family members to creative and fair solutions, while jointly examining the legal risks and rewards, family circumstances, and needs of all family members involved in the dispute.

In circumstances in which a family is unable to resolve a dispute amicably, the escalation of the conflict can be prevented and resolved quickly, fairly, and discreetly through arbitration proceedings.

Our firm has extensive experience in managing family arbitration proceedings.

Arbitration proceedings are conducted in a pleasant and sensitive atmosphere, while maintaining the dignity of all involved and striving to prevent a deterioration in relations between the family members.

In our arbitration proceedings, we adhere to substantive and procedural fairness, and take care to ensure the rights of the litigants.

The applicability of the law and the rules of procedure are determined according to the circumstances of each case, subject to the prior consent of the parties (as part of the arbitration agreement).